Monday, July 4, 2011


That is the sound of Fireworks. I do this cheer often with my Kindergartners. We say "Boom"(clap hands) "Ch" (shoot hands up in the air) "Aw" (separate hands and wiggle fingers down to your sides) My kids love it, or maybe just me, but we do it a lot. 

I'm annoyed. I just wrote an awesome (at least I thought) blog about my weekend, but my computer shut down before I saved it....shit. 

I guess for lack of losing to much sleep, I want to reflect on one of my great experiences this weekend. After spending so much time in the sun with friends and family....I'll choose just one to share with you all. ( I know there are thousands of you.... :)

Last night, Josh and I went to the Burlington fireworks. We left the boys at Mama Heald's and decided to have a date night. Sort of. We met my brother and his friends down on the waterfront and waited for the fireworks. I know that my brother hates that I blog, he says it's dumb and I'm a loser..maybe, but..I like it. In case you decide to read, Ry- thanks for a fun night!

P.S. I just saw that you play Pawn Stars, the game of FB......"Hello Kettle, it's me....pot" Loser. :) Joking....again, sort of. 

So...fireworks. Some people say "once you've seen one, you've seen them all" I disagree, I think every show is beautiful and different. Kind of like reality TV. (Side not- Bachelorette tonight was a re-run and Big Brother starts Thursday)I've seen fireworks before, forty-sixty-eight times. This year it was much different than what I've experienced before. Now, let me set the's a beauty. Josh went into breakwaters for a refreshing O'Douls....I know. I wanted to go in, but I didn't have any shoes on. Fail. So I headed back to where I had left my shoes. I decided that it was a much better place for me to watch the fireworks, better than being sardined (new word) in a bar with sweaty drunk people.  I used to be one of them, not this year. I got back on the boat with a crowd of people including an old friend of mine and his little guy and made myself comfy.

In the past at every firework show I've ever seen, I've been engaged by the brightly colored, smoke filled sky. This year was little different. Maybe I was looking for my shoes, or maybe my neck hurt, I'm not sure. Anyway, this time I was not looking at the sky like usual. I was watching a 6 year old enjoy the show. I could tell he had been looking forward to it all day. I tried not to stare and I'm pretty sure his family thought I was weird standing there by myself, but I couldn't help it. His reaction to the sky's wonder was magical. He was cuddled in his Dad's arms and with every Boom, Ch, Aw....he would smile or widen his eyes or blurt out something funny. It was one of those moments that you want to wrap up and put in a box to take out when you're having a bad day. 

 I realized then, that fireworks....are not just fireworks. They are little bursts of emotion for everyone, young and old. I looked around at everyone's reactions, it seemed  that many people were having a moment of emotional pondering. I think it's because the laughter and celebration of the day turn into a quiet, dark, night sky and you know the special day is coming to a close. Some people's emotions were obvious, I could see the people that were in love, the people who were not, the people who were thinking about different aspects of life, as well as of course, the people who were drunk. I wonder which one I was....I'm pretty sure it was in love-with the little boy I was watching. Josh was a mile away with his O'Douls....still, although I do love him too. It was fine. This realization of the connections of fireworks and emotion was unexpected. 

I too, had a moment of emotional thought. I'm not going to elaborate, I do keep some things personal. I'm actually pretty good at it. Really. 

They were the best fireworks I've ever seen. To see them through the eyes of a child. Even better than the fireworks at my wedding. I mean the ones at the reception, not after. I slept with a bridesmaid, really. She was leaving to go home to TN and I was so sad. Josh understood....I think. :) 

I can't wait to watch fireworks with my own boys....when they are older of course. 

Boom! Ch! Aw!

Happy Independence Day 2011

~ A little firecracker